El Saltillo Suspension Bridge

El Saltillo Suspension Bridge, made of steel and wood, is located in one of the stages of La Gran Senda as it passes through Axarquía, and joins the municipalities of Sedella and Canillas de Aceituno. It is among the three largest suspension bridges in Spain in a natural setting, and it offers spectacular views. It is 50 metres long and some 50 metres above the Almanchares River, in the El Saltillo area. Moreover, since it is in the Sierra Tejeda, Almijara and Alhama Natural Park, it provides a spot from which to observe the flora and fauna that inhabit the Almanchares River canyon, such as the mountain goat that lives in this area.

Every year, almost two million hikers travel one of the stages of La Gran Senda, which crosses almost 60 municipal districts in the province, four natural parks, two reserves and three natural landscapes. It is the perfect place for those who love hiking and the outdoors, with both seaside and mountain routes.



  • Out of doors
  • Recommended for families
  • Found inland
  • Located outside an urban area

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